Short Film Competition Award Ceremony

Short Video Competition on the theme of raising awareness on cyber sexual exploitation among university students

Sexual or Gender-based Harassment and Sexual Violence Prevention Committee (SGBVC), together with the Alumni Association of the University of Peradeniya (AAUP), conducted a short video competition among the undergraduate students of the University on the theme of raising awareness on cyber sexual exploitation. The title of the competition was “Don’t Swallow the Bait: Defeat Sexual Exploitation Online.” The cash awards for the winners of the competition were sponsored by the Victoria Chapter of the AAUP (PUAAViC). The Awards Ceremony to distribute certificates to the participants and to announce the winners was held on March 21, 2024, in the Senate Room of the University and was graced by the Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Deans, and the Proctor, in addition to the President/AAUP and a Representative of the PUAAViC.